Local startups seeking students

March 29, 2018 - 1 minute read

Local startups seeking students: Sacramento’s medical-technology industry is teaming up with Sacramento State to encourage the university’s students to seek internships at local biotech startups. “The idea is to promote business here in the Sacramento region and to keep students here,” said Matthew Phillips, director of MedStart collaborative. “There’s a big outflux of students once they graduate.”

Phillips said companies will be looking for interns in many disciplines, not just the sciences. Students will participate in startup culture, in which founders and employees often forgo pay for a stake in the company, betting they will see a big payoff with an acquisition or an initial public offering of stock. To learn more, go to the services tab at www.medstart.orgor stop by the Sac State career center. …

Read more here: http://www.sacbee.com/news/business/biz-columns-blogs/cathie-anderson/article98746977.html#storylink=cpy